New York Film Locations

otsoNY in 2009: The Website

31 October 2019

Tomorrow sees celebrate its 10th anniversary. Launched on 1st November 2009 and created by Mark Rogers, the non-profit website now has over thirteen hundred films together with picture galleries, news articles and various other New York film related features. “My main goal for the website was a simple one,” recalls Mark. “I just wanted it to be the best New York film location website on the Internet, and possibly get a mention on Wikipedia, though that seems to be an impossible task and I think it might be time to let that one go!”

“Before the website was set up, Mark took a look at the competition. “I quickly realised that no one was really doing a thorough job at showcasing New York film locations,” says Mark. “There were some websites that briefly mentioning a variety of the popular NYC films, but none mentioning indies or the less popular films from the seventies or eighties films.”

In the 10 years since the launch of the website, the overall design is much the same. “The original template had the New York skyline above the menu options, whereas today it has rotating film banners combined with smaller ads on either side of the content. The main reason for this is so that the less important pages don’t necessarily get missed.” Mark adds, “I regularly look at the web-stats, and besides the films ‘Sex and the City’, ‘Home Alone 2’, ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’, ‘Ghostbusters’, ‘When Harry Met Sally’, and ‘You’ve Got Mail’, it’s actually the film location maps that are amongst the most viewed part of the website.”

With the success of, there have been discussions about covering other US cities such as Chicago and San Francisco. “A few years ago, I started work on, which would showcase films from San Francisco such as Basic Instinct, The Rock, and Serendipity, but as I hadn’t visited the city, I found it just as difficult and time-consuming as it had been when I first started researching New York in 2009. I think once you’ve been to a place, and I mean, when you’ve walked around a city and observed the streets, the buildings, the parks etc., that’s when you really start to know a place and recognise things that will eventually help you pinpoint film locations. So at the moment, there are no plans to launch any time soon. As for the future, I’m planning to visit New York in the summer of 2020, and as I prepare for that trip, I’m going to update the film location maps,” reveals Mark. “I think it is important to include as many film titles on the maps as possible, but due to their current scale and limited space, I will probably end up having to rebuild them from scratch".

The design of in 2009

"It may also be time to consider reducing or simplifying the content that is currently on the website with the removal of certain features that aren’t being viewed. But for now, it is time to celebrate its success and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed to the website over the past 10 years, as well as to those who have sent me messages, suggested film titles to include and identified missing locations. It is very much appreciated.”

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