Sailors Gabey (Gene Kelly), Chip (Frank Sinatra), and Ozzie (Jules Munshin) are very excited about getting a 24-hour leave and spending it in New York, New York - a wonderful town! They are especially concerned with the female inhabitants of the city, and each finds his own to cuddle up with. Chip tries but can't resist the horny advances of a cab driver, Ozzie gladly fills the role of a lovely anthropologist's "prehistoric man," and after much desperate searching, Gabey finds the model who poses for the Miss Turnstiles advertisements, who isn't quite the glamorous celebrity he envisioned but nevertheless will do.

Brooklyn Bridge, Lower East Side, Manhattan. |

Federal Hall, Wall Street, Manhattan. |

Statue of Liberty, Liberty Island, New York Harbor. |

Washington Square Park, Greenwich Village, Manhattan. |

otsoNY Comments: Five days were spent in New York City filming. Whilst in New York, the film crew had to deal with
the constent rain as well as the curious onlookers. To avoid crowds, the cast insisted on taxis instead of limousines for
transportation and that the camera be hidden. During the finale of the "New York, New York" musical number, which takes place in the sunken plaza at 30 Rockefeller Plaza in front of
the statue of Prometheus, you can see at the top of the frame of the last shot, the heads of hundreds of curious spectators staring at the three stars over the wall behind the statue.

Rockefeller Center, 5th Avenue (btw 49th and 50th Streets) Manhattan. |

Central Park West and Columbus Circle, Manhattan. |