New York Film Locations

A Perfect Murder Apartment

Film: A Perfect Murder
Home: Steven and Emily Taylor
Address: 1 East 91st Street, Manhattan.

The townhouse is still there and looks exactly as it did in the film.

Additional Film Locations: A Perfect Murder

Steven and Emily Taylor live in an apartment building on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Steven is a Wall Street hedge fund manager. His investments and speculations allow him to live an extravagant upper class lifestyle with his much younger wife, Emily. Unfortunately for Taylor, his investments have recently been unravelling, and he will soon need his wife's personal fortune to maintain his status and lifestyle. Emily seems a faithful wife, but, in reality, she is having an affair with a artist and is considering leaving her Steven.

otsoNY Comments: The townhouse on the corner of 91st Street and 5th Avenue was only used for exterior shots. The interior shots were done in a studio with a photograph of the New York skyline positioned at the windows to make it look like the view from the original townhouse. There is one scene where Michael Douglas walks across the patio roof which was shot at the location.

The townhouse, constructed of imported French limestone, was completed in 1918 and surrounded a magnificent stone-ballustraded courtyard. A private drive, guarded 24 hours a day, provides elite guests the ability to come and go unprovoked by gawking curiosity seekers. The gilded ballroom, oak-panelled library and gracious reception room were intended to impress.

The original owners filled the home with Renaissance paintings, antique furnishings, priceless chandeliers and tapestries. Patrons of the arts, especially the Metropolitan Opera, and sometimes opened their home to the public to exhibit their collections. On March 29, 1934 the owner Otto Kahn lunched in the private dining room of his firm, Kuhn, Loeb & Co. Soon thereafter he suffered a heart attack and died at the age of 67. Not long afterwards, his wife sold the mansion to the Convent of the Sacred Heart, an exclusive Roman Catholic school for girls. Later the school acquired the James Burden Jr. mansion next door and connected the two structures.


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